Saturday, September 8, 2012

Technology in Education: The Efficiency Factor

My first article “Fredrick Taylor in the Classroom” by Jonathan Rees introduces Frederick Taylor as a professional who established ideas to get workers in the trade production to create more production. His ideas get implemented into the education system and standardized tests are created. I personally think that the idea of standardized test cannot really classify a student; I believe there are many factors that can alter the results of these tests. I realized that it is part of today’s education and it will stay like that, but I think teaching to get ready for an standardized test will limit wide side of learning, it will focus just on the questions to do well on the test, so the school, teacher, and child can show a high grade, but the learning is limited. This idea had a great influence in instruction and education.

My second reading is “Education & the Cult of Efficiency” by Raymond Callahan. This reading talks about business and the education system at the beginning of the 20th century. It seems that the school system was disorganized and was not working in a productive way. At that time, Fredrick Taylor came out with idea of a new business model. In this way, education was transformed into a system where they follow a model business. I am not very sure how this work to benefit learning, but it seems to me that they used the education system as a practicing or training formula to benefit the business world.

1 comment:

  1. Good insights about the business world, standardized tests, and the implications for the education system. I can tell you have much more to say
